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The Loveless Trajectory of Sexual Abuse

Long before their falling-out, Carl Jung share a tragic memory in a letter to Sigmund Freud: “... as a boy I was the victim of a sexual assault by a man I once worshipped” (cited in John Kerr's A Most Dangerous Method). In the same letter, Jung shared his infatuation...

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Power of Poetry

We know freedom through the emotions and actions it ignites in us: joy, exhilaration, confidence, self-expression, playfulness. Yet, we cannot truly know freedom without some sense of belonging, which also ignites these same emotions and actions. Discourses that pit...

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The Sun and the Moon

Sun was in a mood. Solar flares whipped Earth’s poles causing flecks of green and gold to dance across the night sky. “They used to worship me,” he said to no one but knew Moon was listening. “The Anthropocene?!”  He shouted. “As if they could wield so much power on...

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Resolving Trauma Through the Study of Women’s History

Prior to entering college, some women choose not to pursue majors in male-dominated fields like STEM, economics, and philosophy if they anticipate gender discrimination. For those who persevere, having professors sensitive to gender issues can protect...

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“All sanity depends on this: that it should be a delight to feel heat strike the skin, a delight to stand upright, knowing the bones are moving easily under the flesh.”

Doris Lessing

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