Power of Poetry

We know freedom through the emotions and actions it ignites in us: joy, exhilaration, confidence, self-expression, playfulness. Yet, we cannot truly know freedom without some sense of belonging, which also ignites these same emotions and actions. Discourses that pit...

The Destructive Silence Surrounding Sexual Abuse

According to a 2014 World Health Organization Report, and data from one hundred thirty-three countries representing eighty-eight percent of the world’s population, nearly one in five women were sexually abused in early life. Yet only a third are thought to have...

Where have all the readers gone?

Not that it comes as a surprise, but like me, over 4.7 million Goodreads members plan to read a lot this year – on average, 40 books. Unfortunately, Goodreads isn’t representative of the US population. According to a poll conducted by David Montgomery of...

Digging in the Dirt

When I headed off to college over forty years ago, unsure of what I wanted to do with my life, my younger sister recommended taking a course in archaeology. If it didn’t pan out, I could always use the units to meet my humanities requirement. At the time, we lived...

Addressing the Shadow Side of Creativity

Designer Charles Eames warned of an emerging cultural obsession with the creative process: Recent years have shown a growing preoccupation with the circumstances surrounding the creative act and a search for the ingredients that promote creativity. This...

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