Are AA’s Twelve Steps for Everyone?

The idea that complete abstinence from mind-altering substances is necessary for recovery from addiction – the hallmark of treatments like Alcoholic Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous – is under threat. For younger Americans dealing with addiction to opioids...

The Destructive Silence Surrounding Sexual Abuse

According to a 2014 World Health Organization Report, and data from one hundred thirty-three countries representing eighty-eight percent of the world’s population, nearly one in five women were sexually abused in early life. Yet only a third are thought to have...

Digging in the Dirt

When I headed off to college over forty years ago, unsure of what I wanted to do with my life, my younger sister recommended taking a course in archaeology. If it didn’t pan out, I could always use the units to meet my humanities requirement. At the time, we lived...

Too Stressed to Meditate?

Buddhist psychology claims there are three primary emotions or sensations — pleasant, painful, and neutral. Arising from these primary emotions are our reactions to them, the so-called secondary emotions. For example, we might feel desire or joy in...

Love and the Split Self

In the movie Take This Waltz, a young Canadian woman, Margot, is happily married although not excited about her life. Her work doesn’t fulfill her. She designs brochures but would rather be a “real” writer. She describes herself as afraid of being...

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